Facebook, WhatsApp, said, delete Facebook, know what is the matter

California: The social media platform Facebook has been condemning theft of Facebook's data theft, now seeing and commenting on the co-founder, Brighton Act, WhatsApp also said that Facebook should be deleted. Not only that, the hegget #deletefacebook on Twitter is also trending. Facebook has increased the data leak exposure allegations to Facebook.
One of the co-founders of WhatsApp, Brian Act, has started a new debate around the world. Act has its tweet- it is time. #deletefacebook has advised to delete Facebook with 220 million active users.
Brian's account is not verified in Twitter, but his photo is being displayed and Google is displaying his Twitter account in search. On the other hand, Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica, a political data firm that helps the American president Donald Trump's campaign has been suspended. Nix has been accused of reaching more than 5 million Facebook users' private information and misused it in campaign.
The New York Times and the London Observatory disclosed the entire matter last week in its Investigating Report, then a TV channel showed a report related to CEO of Cambridge Analytics. In which Nix is ​​saying to the camera that they used beautiful women and bribe them to trap the leaders and influence the election. Mark Zuckerberg suffered a loss of about Rs 58,500 crore in just 48 hours after the news of theft of data related to theft of Facebook.
According to reports, Facebook provided the data to Cambridge Analytics company. Analytica also helped Trump to campaign in the election, then Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also started criticizing. Famous Bollywood actor and cartoonist Jim Carrey also questioned his cartoon about Facebook's privacy policy.
According to Facebook, it is not known whether any such data is being stolen. In 2015, Cambridge Analytica claimed to delete data from Facebook. Now Facebook says that the charges being investigated on the firm are being investigated, until they have banned analytics on their platform. Bryan Acton is one of the founders of WhatsApp. Together with the Jon Kew of Ukraine, he gave the gift of this messenger to the world. Actin has worked for Yahoo too. There they met with John and Brian.
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